New opportunities for education, health, justice, arts, and economic development non-profits and public agencies

The Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange Healthcare Foundation awarded the Family Emergency Shelter Coalition FESCO $50,000 to support operations for emergency, transitional, and permanent housing and wraparound support service programs for homeless families with children in Alameda County.
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Grants In Education

Supporting Effective Educator Development (SEED) Program
Purpose: To increase the number of highly effective educators by supporting the implementation of Evidence-Based practices that prepare, develop, or enhance the skills of educators.
Funder: U.S. Department of Education
Applicant: Public agencies, institutions of higher education, nonprofit organizations
Amount: Varies $1,000,000 to $6,000,000
Projected Number of Awards: 5-8
Deadline: Thursday, May 17, 2018

New! Innovative Approaches to Literacy (IAL) Program
Purpose: The IAL program supports high-quality programs designed to develop and improve literacy skills for children and students from birth through 12th grade in high-need local educational agencies (high-need LEAs) and schools.
Funder: U.S. Department of Education
Applicant: Public agencies
Amount: Varies
Projected Number of Awards: 6
Deadline: Friday, May 18, 2018

California Apprenticeship Initiative New and Innovative Program Grant
Purpose: To expand the apprenticeship to fields in growing and emerging industries that do not typically utilize apprenticeship training programs throughout California’s regional economies.
Funder: California Community College Chancellor’s Office
Applicant: Public agencies, institutions of higher education
Amount: Varies $100,000 to $700,000 each
Projected Number of Awards: Unknown
Deadline: Friday, May 18, 2018

New! Promise Neighborhoods Extension Grants
Purpose: To continue or scale up activities that grantees and partners are ready to sustain or expand and that will significantly improve the educational and developmental outcomes of children in the grantee’s defined footprint (i.e., the geographically defined area to be served).
Funder: U.S. Department of Education
Applicant: Only FY 2011 and FY 2012 Promise Neighborhoods implementation grantees
Amount: Up to $6,000,000
Projected Number of Awards: 3
Deadline: Wednesday, May 23, 2018

New! Education Innovation and Research (Early-phase Grants)
Purpose: To support the development, implementation, and feasibility testing of a program, which prior research suggests has promise, for the purpose of determining whether the program can successfully improve student achievement and attainment for high need students.
Funder: U.S. Department of Education
Applicant: Public agencies, institutions of higher education, small businesses, nonprofit organizations
Amount: Up to $4,000,000
Projected Number of Awards: 8-16
Deadline: Tuesday, June 05, 2018

New! Education Innovation and Research (Mid-phase Grants)
Purpose: To fund implementation and a rigorous evaluation of a program that has been successfully implemented under an Early-phase grant or other effort meeting similar criteria, for the purpose of measuring the program’s impact and cost- effectiveness, if possible using existing administrative data.
Funder: U.S. Department of Education
Applicant: Public agencies, institutions of higher education, small businesses, nonprofit organizations
Amount: Up to $8,000,000
Projected Number of Awards: 4-10
Deadline: Tuesday, June 05, 2018

New! Education Innovation and Research Program (Expansion Grants)
Purpose: To fund implementation and rigorous evaluation of a program that has been found to produce sizable, significant impacts under a Mid-phase grant or other effort meeting similar criteria, for purposes of: (a) Determining whether such impacts can be successfully reproduced and sustained over time; and (b) identifying the conditions in which the program is most effective.
Funder: U.S. Department of Education
Applicant: Public agencies, institutions of higher education, small businesses, nonprofit organizations
Amount: Up to $15,000,000
Projected Number of Awards: 1-3
Deadline: Tuesday, June 05, 2018

New! Higher Education Multicultural Scholars Program (MSP)
Purpose: To increase the multicultural diversity of the food and agricultural scientific and professional workforce, and advance the educational achievement of all Americans by providing competitive grants to colleges and universities.
Funder: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Applicant: Land-Grant Institutions, Colleges and Universities having significant minority enrollments, institutions of higher education
Amount: Unknown
Projected Number of Awards: Unknown
Deadline: Wednesday, June 20, 2018

New! Assistance for Arts Education Development and Dissemination
Purpose: To promote arts education for students, including disadvantaged students and students who are children with disabilities. The AAEDD program specifically supports the development and dissemination of accessible instructional materials and arts-based educational programming.
Funder: U.S. Department of Education
Applicant: Local education agencies or consortium of LEAs
Amount: Varies $525,000 to $625,000
Projected Number of Awards: 25
Deadline: Monday, July 02, 2018


Teacher Quality Partnership
Funder: U.S. Department of Education
Amount: $750,000
Projected Number of Awards: 10-12
Projected Application Notice: April 6, 2018
Projected Application Deadline: June 7, 2018Arts in Education National Program
 U.S. Department of Education
Amount: Varies
Projected Number of Awards: 1
Projected Application Notice: April 12, 2018
Projected Application Deadline: June 11, 2018
Social Services

Transitional Living Program and Maternity Group Homes
Purpose: To implement, enhance, and/or support effective strategies for successful transition to sustainable living for runaway and homeless youth ages 16 to under 22 and/or pregnant and parenting youth ages 16 to under 22 and their dependent child(ren).
Funder: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Applicant: Public agencies, institutions of higher education, nonprofit organizations
Amount: Varies $100,000 to $283,322
Projected Number of Awards: 63
Deadline: Monday, May 14, 2018

Family Strengthening Scholars
Purpose: To build capacity in the research field to focus on questions that have direct implications for healthy marriage/responsible fatherhood policy decision-making and program administration, and to foster mentoring relationships between faculty members and high-quality doctoral students.
Funder: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Applicant: Public agencies, institutions of higher education, nonprofit organizations
Amount: Varies $10,000 to $25,000
Projected Number of Awards: 3
Deadline: Tuesday, May 29, 2018

New! Mental Health Awareness Training Grants
Purpose: To provide training to school personnel, emergency first responders, law enforcement, veterans, armed services members and their families to recognize the signs and symptoms of mental disorders.
Funder: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Applicant: State governments, public agencies, institutions of higher education, community and faith based organizations
Amount: Up to $125,000 per year
Projected Number of Awards: 126
Deadline: Friday, June 08, 2018

New! Community Programs for Outreach and Intervention with Youth and Young Adults at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis
Purpose: The purpose of this program is to identify youth and young adults, not more than 25 years old, at clinical high risk for psychosis and provide evidence-based interventions to prevent the onset of psychosis or lessen the severity of psychotic disorder.
Funder: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Applicant: States, public agencies, Indian Tribes
Amount: Up to $400,000 per year
Projected Number of Awards: 28
Deadline: Monday, June 11, 2018

New! Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grants Program
Purpose: The program helps communities transform neighborhoods by redeveloping severely distressed public and/or HUD-assisted housing and catalyzing critical improvements in the neighborhood, including vacant property, housing, businesses, services and schools.
Funder: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Applicant: Public agencies, nonprofit organizations
Amount: Up to $1,300,000
Projected Number of Awards: 6
Deadline: Tuesday, June 12, 2018

New! State Physical Activity and Nutrition Program
Purpose: The NOFO will fund up to 15 state health departments and/or District of Columbia to work with state and local partners that support communities to improve nutrition and to support safe and accessible physical activity.
Funder: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Applicant: Public agencies, institutions of higher education, nonprofit organizations
Amount: Varies $600,000 to $1,300,000
Projected Number of Awards: 15
Deadline: Thursday, June 14, 2018

New! Mainstream Voucher Program
Purpose: To assist non-elderly persons with disabilities who are transitioning out of institutional or other segregated settings, at serious risk of institutionalization, homeless, or at risk of becoming homeless. In addition, points will be awarded for PHAs that formalize partnerships with and leverage resources from State Medicaid Agencies and various health and human services partner agencies or organizations.
Funder: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Applicant: Only public housing authorities (PHAs) and non-profit organizations that already administer
Housing Choice Vouchers are eligible to apply
Amount: Varies $75,000 to $5,000,000
Projected Number of Awards: 40
Deadline: Monday, June 18, 2018

New! Street Outreach Program
Purpose: To ensure that evidence-informed prevention and intervention strategies are in place for runaway, homeless, and street youth to: (1) build skills that will contribute to the healthy, positive, productive functioning of children and the healthy transition of youth into adulthood, (2) end the sexual victimization of youth, and (3) identify youth victims of labor and sex trafficking.
Funder: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Applicant: Public agencies, nonprofit organizations, institutions of higher education
Amount: Varies $90,000 to $150,000
Projected Number of Awards: 37
Deadline: Wednesday, June 20, 2018

New! Tribal Behavioral Health Grant Program
Purpose: To prevent and reduce suicidal behavior and substance use, reduce the impact of trauma, and promote mental health among American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) youth through the age of 24 years.
Funder: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Applicant: American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) tribes, tribal organizations, consortia of tribes or tribal organizations, or Urban Indian Organizations.
Amount: Up to $250,000 per year/ Up to 5 years
Projected Number of Awards: 30
Deadline: Friday, June 22, 2018

New! Tribal Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program: Implementation and Expansion Grants
Purpose: To support 5-year grants (cooperative agreements) between ACF and federally-recognized Indian tribes (or a consortium of Indian tribes), tribal organizations, or urban Indian organizations that are currently operating an evidence-based home visiting program and propose to expand or sustain their established infrastructure for home visiting services in tribal communities
Funder: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Applicant: Nonprofit organizations, Native American tribal organizations
Amount: Varies $250,000 to $800,000
Projected Number of Awards: 5
Deadline: Monday, June 25, 2018

New! Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Program
Purpose: To replicate and scale up programs that include the protective factors shown to be effective in the prevention of risk behaviors, including teen pregnancy.
Funder: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Applicant: Public agencies, institutions of higher education, small businesses, nonprofit organizations
Amount: Varies $200,000 to $500,000
Projected Number of Awards: 270
Deadline: Friday, June 29, 2018

New! Family Unification Program
Purpose: To provide housing assistance to two groups: 1. Families who lack adequate housing. 2. Youth at least 18 years and not more than 24 years of age, who left foster care, or will leave foster care within 90 days.
Funder: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Applicant: PHAs
Amount: Varies $44,000 to $1,071,000
Projected Number of Awards: 60
Deadline: Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Community Based Transitional Housing Program
Purpose: To provide transitional housing and support services. This program is intended to primarily target offenders released from state prisons and county jails. However, cities and counties may apply for funds to serve other populations that they believe will benefit from the Program’s services.
Funder: California Department of Finance
Applicant: Public agencies
Amount: Up to $2,000,000 each
Projected Number of Awards: Unknown
Deadline: Monday, October 01, 2018


Justice Grants
New! Second Chance Act Addressing the Needs of Incarcerated Parents with Minor Children
Purpose: To promote and expand services in detention and correctional facilities to incarcerated individuals who have children younger than age 18. This program will provide states and localities with funding to implement positive family engagement strategies and activities that address the needs of incarcerated parents with minor children.
Funder: U.S. Department of Justice
Applicant: Public agencies
Amount: Up to $750,000
Projected Number of Awards: 14
Deadline: Tuesday, May 22, 2018Second Chance Act Ensuring Public Safety and Improving Outcomes for Youth in Confinement and While Under Community 
Purpose: To support reentry strategies that address treatment services for youth with co-occurring substance abuse problems and mental health disorders, reentry services for gang-involved youth, and training and technical assistance to improve community supervision practices for juveniles who are placed on probation or are being released from secure confinement.
Funder: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention
Applicant: Public agencies, institutions of higher education, nonprofit organizations
Amount: Varies $450,000 to $1,000,000
Projected Number of Awards: 5
Deadline: Thursday, May 24, 2018New! State System Enhancements for Youth Offenders
Purpose: To support states and localities in developing and implementing strategies to ensure that youth involved with the juvenile justice system have fair and equal access to quality legal representation; ensure that offenders involved with the juvenile justice system have resources that address the collateral consequences of justice system involvement; and/or provide training for the juvenile indigent defense bar, including public defenders and court-appointed counsel working on behalf of juvenile indigent defendants.
Funder: U.S. Department of Education/Office of Juvenile Justice
Applicant: Public agencies
Amount: Up to $450,000
Projected Number of Awards: 4
Deadline: Tuesday, May 29, 2018New! Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program
Purpose: To improve responses and outcomes for individuals with mental illnesses or co-occurring mental health and substance abuse disorders who come into contact with the justice system. BJA is seeking applications that demonstrate a collaborative project between criminal justice and mental health partners from eligible applicants to plan and implement justice and mental health strategies collectively designed between justice and mental health.
Funder: U.S. Department of Justice
Applicant: Public agencies, Native American tribal governments
Amount: Up to $750,000
Projected Number of Awards: 38
Deadline: Tuesday, May 29, 2018Upcoming
Be on the lookout for JAG RFPs from the California Board of State and Community Corrections in the coming months.

The Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program provides critical funding necessary to support state and local initiatives, to include: technical assistance, strategic planning, research and evaluation (including forensics), data collection, training, personnel, equipment, forensic laboratories, supplies, contractual support, and criminal justice information systems.

Art Grant Programs
The California Arts Council posts applications for various art grant programs. Click here to view the list of open programs.
Economic & Workforce Development Grants
New! Veterans Accelerated Learning for Licensed Occupations Project
Purpose: To accomplish increasing and expediting attainment of state occupational licenses by veterans and transitioning service members (TSMs) by identifying gaps between military education and training in specific military occupations as compared to the education required for related licensed civilian occupations.
Funder: U.S. Department of Labor
Applicant: Nonprofit organizations
Amount: Up to $1,500,000
Projected Number of Awards: 3
Deadline: Monday, May 14, 2018New! Indian and Native American Program – Employment and Training Grants
Purpose: To “support employment and training activities for Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian individuals in order to: (A) develop more fully the academic, occupational, and literacy skills of such individuals; (B) make such individuals more competitive in the workforce and equip them with the entrepreneurial skills necessary for successful self-employment; and promote the economic and social development of Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian communities in accordance with the goals and values of such communities.”
Funder: U.S. Department of Labor
Applicant: Public agencies, nonprofit organizations, Indian tribes
Amount: Varies
Projected Number of Awards: 176
Deadline: Friday, May 18, 2018Stand Down Grants
Purpose: To enhance employment and training opportunities or to promote the self-sufficiency of homeless veterans through paid work
Funder: U.S. Department of Labor
Applicant: Public agencies, nonprofit organizations
Amount: Varies $7,000 to $10,000
Projected Number of Awards: Unknown
Deadline: Thursday, December 31, 2020

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