August Grants Newsletter
Our grants newsletter is HTA’s monthly roundup of federal, state, and Bay Area grants for non-profits and public agencies. This month, there are new and ongoing opportunities for incarcerated youth, those experiencing homelessness, community colleges, and many others.
Special Programs for Indian Children: Demonstration Grants
Purpose: To provide financial assistance to projects that develop, test, and demonstrate the effectiveness of services and programs to improve the educational opportunities and achievement of Indian students in preschool, elementary, and secondary schools. Funder: U.S. Department of Education Applicant: SEAs, LEAs, Indian Tribes, Indian organizations, Tribal colleges and universities Amount: Varies $500,000 to $1,000,000 Projected Number of Awards: 26 Deadline: Friday, August 10, 2018New! County Technical Assistance for Tobacco-Use Prevention Education Purpose: To plan, develop, and implement capacity building, technical assistance and training, and program monitoring and improvement services for TUPE activities implemented by local educational agencies. A portion of TA funds are to be directed to identifying and reducing disparities among disparate youth populations. Funder: California Department of Education Applicant: Local educational agencies Amount: Unknown Projected Number of Awards: Unknown Deadline: Friday, August 17, 2018 New! Training and Information for Parents of Children with Disabilities: Technical Assistance for Parent Centers New! Pilot Program for Cybersecurity Education Technological Upgrades for Community Colleges New! Advanced Technological Education (ATE) New! Career Technical Education Facilities Program |
Service Area Competition Empowerment/Healing Support Group for African Americans New! Health Care Services for Juvenile Justice Center New! Intensive Supervision and Clinical Services (ISCS) Tribal Opioid Response Grants Black/African American Family Behavioral Health Services New! Title V Competitive Sexual Risk Avoidance Education New! Service Area Competition Continuum of Care Program Competition Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part A HIV Emergency Relief Grant Program New! Expanding Collaborative Capacity to Prevent Domestic Violence Community Based Transitional Housing Program |
Justice Grants
New! Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program Purpose: This program furthers the Department’s mission by assisting state, local, and tribal efforts to prevent or reduce crime and violence. Funder: U.S. Department of Justice Applicant: Public agencies, local units of government Amount: Varies Projected Number of Awards: 1,147 Deadline: Wednesday, August 22, 2018Gang Suppression: A Law Enforcement and Prosecutorial Approach To Address Gang Recruitment of Unaccompanied Alien Purpose: To reduce violent crime, gangs (specifically transnational gangs), and victimization and promote public safety in communities through implementation support for eligible communities that demonstrates their readiness to put a comprehensive strategic plan into action, based on a multilateral data-driven strategy. Funder: U.S. Department of Justice Applicant: Law enforcement agencies in states, local governments, Native American tribal governments Amount: Up to $1.2 million Projected Number of Awards: 6 Deadline: Monday, August 27, 2018 Gang Suppression Planning Grants Program Upcoming The Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program provides critical funding necessary to support state and local initiatives, to include: technical assistance, strategic planning, research and evaluation (including forensics), data collection, training, personnel, equipment, forensic laboratories, supplies, contractual support, and criminal justice information systems. |
Art Grant Programs The California Arts Council posts applications for various art grant programs. Click here to view the list of open programs. |
Economic & Workforce Development Grants
Jobs Plus Initiative Purpose: To develop locally-based, job-driven approaches that increase earnings and advance employment outcomes through work readiness, employer linkages, job placement, educational advancement, technology skills, and financial literacy for residents of public housing. Funder: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Applicant: Public Housing Authorities Amount: Up to $3.7 million Projected Number of Awards: 5 Deadline: Tuesday, August 14, 2018New! Women in Apprenticeship and Nontraditional Occupations (“WANTO”) Technical Assistance Grant Program Purpose: To provide technical assistance (“TA”) to employers and labor unions to encourage employment of women in apprentice able occupations and nontraditional occupations (“A/NTO”), specifically by: Developing (establishing, expanding or enhancing) pre-apprenticeship or nontraditional skills training programs designed to prepare women for careers in A/NTO; Providing ongoing orientations for employers, unions, and workers on creating a successful environment for women in A/NTO; and/or Setting up support groups and facilitating networks for women in A/NTO, to improve their retention. Funder: U.S. Department of Labor Applicant: Only Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) Amount: Varies $250,000 to $500,000 Projected Number of Awards: 6 Deadline: Thursday, August 16, 2018 San Francisco Office of Economic & Workforce Development Nonprofit Sustainability Initiative YouthBuild New! Scaling Apprenticeship Through Sector-Based Strategies Stand Down Grants |
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